Benin Federal Ministry of Finance

Another scam, this time from joku godwin with an email address of – Here it is:

Dearest Friend,

I have cashed your cheque total sum of $950.000.00 usd so that it can be deliver to your doorstep within 24 hours by Fedex company Benin Republic as soon as you contact them with your contact details and reconfirm your personal details to Fedex for secure delivery,

The Certificate that will lead the Box to your Doorstep without the fedex shipping agent having problem with customs has been obtained and has been issued to me by the Benin Federal Ministry of Finance. The only fee you have to send to fedex is $89 usd which be used to obtain insurance Certificate /claims of affadvite to enable fedex complete the delivery of your fund to your doorstep within 24 to 48 hours.

Benin Federal Ministry of Finance Relation officer,
Dr Johnson Jerry
Website, Tel:
Mobile Phone; +22995750771
Telephone +22993407948

1.Your Full Name
2.Your current mailing addresss
3.Your current Telephone Number,
4.Nearest airport to your house.
5.Social Security Number

Take note that fedex company here in Benin Republic promise to send to you the tracking number and the airway bill of your consignment as soon you send the require charge to them and your consignment dispatch to your country, to enable you monitor your fund until it gets to your doorstep okay.

Below are the Benin Federal Ministry of Finance code numbers to your box take note of it to avoid misplacement of your fund when he gets to your country.
Registration no.RRRRRRRRFSCRRS11
Tag Number.XXXX332
Batch Number.F1212DXZ

Barr Paul Akango Office.
Benin Federal Ministry of Finance

51 replies
  1. Sadis kumar says:

    Boxbe Waiting List/Barnadors

    Jul 21 (5 days ago)

    to undisclosed-re.
    Attention: Beneficiary.

    I am Mrs. Tina More from Ministry Of Finance Cotonou (Head office)this is to bring to you notice that after the conference meeting we had, The Government of this country realized that you are among those that involved in scam victim we have in our list to Compensate by the government of this country as instructions from United Nation(UN)The Governor of this state Cotonou Benin Republic has instructed this office to forward your file to WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER DEPARTMENT to pay you the sum of US$1.200,000.00 through WESTERN UNION.

    His Excellence the GOVERNOR has instructed the WESTERN payment department Dr. Patrick Onu to send the sum of US$1.200,000.00 through his custody for easy receiver of your funds. You are to contact them now to ensure that your fund will be transferring to you once you send them the needed information to avoid wrong transaction.According to the demands of WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER you are to receive your fund at the installment rate of $5,000.00 daily until the US$1.200,000.00 is completely transferred to you accordingly. You are to contact them now with the bellow information to avoid wrong transaction.

    Reconfirm your address

    (1)Your Full name:…………………..
    (2)Your Phone number:…………..
    (3)Your Contact address:……………..

    Listen very carefully, tell Dr. Patrick Onu that you advise to contact him by Mrs. Tina More. from Ministry Of Finance here in Cotonou Benin ;Below is their Contact Information.

    Contact with this information below:

    EMAIL: address : westnnion01 at qq com
    Phone Number: +229 98 78 38 35
    Address: 12 Avenue Island streets, Cotonou, Benin Republic

    Please, do not forget to update me as soon as you receive your first payment through this private address mrstinamore1 at ././.

    Best regards.

    Mrs.Tina More
    F.A in Ministry of Finance
    Benin Republic
    Sadis Kumar
    (1)Full name: Vadievel Sadis kumar (2)Phone number: +94 755625889 (3)Contact …
    Jul 22 (4 days ago)
    Sadis Kumar

    Jul 23 (3 days ago)

    to westnnion01
    ———- Forwarded message ———-
    From: Sadis Kumar
    Date: Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 4:51 PM
    To: lee@maaganm at co il

    On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 1:24 PM, MRS TINA MORE wrote:

    Dear Sir,
    If the transaction details you can collect from Mrs. Tina More from Ministry Of Finance Cotonou (Head office)

    My details Already send to Mrs. Tina more’s Mail Get the details sent give me a good reply.

    Mrs.Tina More
    F.A in Ministry of Finance
    Benin Republic

    Thank you

    Then after, today I get the mail from Western Union. But the thing is I am not a rich person in Sri Lanka. They ask me a transfer Amount 155.00$ But in Sri Lankan 21,000.00 Rupees for my two months Salary. Please could you clarify the this problem and give me a good answer.

    Thank you.

    If any way Mrs. Tina Moore is there ask me to a call.

  2. patricia mccoy says:

    I was told i would have a warrent out for my arrest if i didn;t claiming 350,000.00
    then i paid 160 for certificate , then 308.00 holding cost. tax 385 here in the states
    then 135.00 hold 270 hotel 160 no scan cost 152 holding cost then 485. finalize the paper

    i called western union and they are looking into it.
    money gram sent it to fraud
    call fbi

  3. Sergey Istomin says:

    Just want to comment on the work of the departments in the Republic of Benin. I have two month TSA can’t get their money through WESTERN UNION? I’ve already paid for the translation services over $ 1000!!!!!.Where the Ministry of looks I don’t know. Recently I received a message that I can finally get the money. But once again proved to be a hoax. When it’s going to end. I appeal to federal officials in Benin. Now the administration of Benin must account for their transfer my funds. I prepared the material, with all the phone, first and last names, addresses, and so on ….. all the material I presented in international organizations at all levels. Publishing houses publish in all possible! This is not good. This did not work. I want to be contacted administration officials immediately!. Need something to take. Sergey Istomin

  4. mohsen ghadiri says:

    hi, somebody from Benin republic sent a mail to me and informed that there’s $8,000,000.00 as suspended and long term approved fund to be ready to transfer to me and introduced me to UNITED BANK OF AFRICA (BENIN BRANCH), to foreign operation manager (mrs.Lillian Fender) and asked me to send her money through Western union and i did, and then she sent me to withdraw money initially only$50,00 and after 2 hours start withdraw the fund but i checked the balance first and saw only $50,00 in my balance and after complainig she replied to me that my account should be secured and upgraded!!!!!! so i had to pay them $3,760.00 and totally i paid about $20,000.00 without any access to any fund and now i don’t know how i can get back my money? please help me. thanks

  5. BILL BERRY says:

    i get emails every day an phone calls from benin is there a email from africa that i can forward this to so they can look in to the phone # scamers?? THANK YOU

  6. James C. Dennis, Jr says:

    It’s unfortunate that people around the world especially people in African will take advantage of people who are weak minded and quick to be pesuaded by sending them scam email to rub them of their minimun income all in the name of huge sum of money in this difficult world. I prayed that those involve will not only be exposed but will also be disgraced publicly and sentenced to jail to face the full weight of the Law. Lastly I pray that God will help us to realized that we must work honestly to achieve what we desire in life.

  7. Ricky Earls says:


    Attention: Earls,

    I am glad to announce to you today that a new payment policy has been
    adopted and you have been short listed for payment via Online Banking, So
    kindly urgent contact Financial Bank Plc Benin republic where the funds
    approve by Benin Republic government to transfer online into your account
    and you are to assure you follow there online payment instruction to make
    sure the transaction goes successful.

    Below is the contact information of Financail Bank Plc Benin Republic:
    Contact Person: Pastor Christian Andrew
    Phone +22966231889.
    Endeavor to email him the following information for immediate processing.


    These are the requirements that you need to be aware of before you contact
    him below.
    1) You will fill the online account opening form Financial Bank Plc Benin
    Republic. Send him an email in regards to your funds $2.5 Million that has
    been approved by the Federal Government of Benin republic to transfer on
    your behalf through there online banking service.

    Yours Sincerely,
    Authorization Minister
    Federal Republic of Benin

  8. Elise Claassens says:

    I have been receiving various e-mail from a Dr AMichael Anthony, Director General of the ATM Dept at the Finance Bank in Benin. This has been going on for some time & despite all my scepticism he has remained patient and most polite. He has even sent me a copy his ID document and told me that he can understand my mistrust as there a many scams going on and they are in the process of sorting it out. However, what worries me is the $3,000,000 dollars that will be delivered to me by TNT as soon as I pay them for the delivery of the ATM card. This windfall (comes with the promise that I can withdraw $20,000 dollars per day. I want to believe this chap as he has been very decent but if something sounds too good to be true, it usually is. Has anyone had any communication with Dr Anthony before?

  9. abelardo teodoro says:

    Thousands here, thousands there, thousands everywhere or even millions. Forget those get-rich-quick gimmicks.. Let’s get back to work !!!

  10. Tiffany says:

    So they found a new way to get your money. They tell u to money gram the $68 then u will get $7.360 a day

  11. Cynthia says:

    I received the e-mail from Andrew Obunso. I knew that this was a scam to steal my identity No oone is going to give anyone 1.5 million dollars for nothing and I deleted the e-mail. I advise anyone receiving these types of messages should do the same. What kind of people are willing to do this kind of thing just for their own gain. What SCUM!!!oeti iscrosit

  12. lou says:

    I received an email from kim sambat that i would receive 4500.00 twice a day until I reached 2.5m from western union if I send $149 to the address. They even provided a tracking number but said it was on “hold” until the money I send is received. What a scam!

  13. sivakumar vs says:

    Tax Office to me
    show details Feb 25
    Mr. Siva Kumar

    Find the attached file for perusal, fill appropriately and send back to me. As soon as i receive the application form, we shall process your non residential tax clearance certificate and you will be informed for payment and collection.

    Mr. W. Clarence
    31K View Download

  14. Jun Zhang says:

    dear beneficiary,

    this is to inform you that this office was instructed to pay your fund $850,000.00 (eight hundred and fifty thousand usa dollars) by america security leading team and european representative embassy between now till second week of next month, per day you will be receiving the sum of $5,000 dollars.

    however be also informed that we have send the sum of $5,000 dollars this morning to avoid cancellation of your payment, you have only forty-eight hours immediately you receive this email to call this office upon the receipt of this email. the maximum amount you will be receiving per a day starting from today is $5,000 in three different payments, so call manager in charge of your payment to release your today mtcn.

    furthermore be advised to call the western union director who is in-chrage of your transfer, dr. john walker as the instruction was passed that within five working days without hearing from you. your payment will be cancelled in addition to this, the number to call / email to re-confirm your information to the western union transfer management is listed below,


    director office of release order:
    name: dr. john walker
    tel: +2299806080
    personal email:


    mr. anthony kouakou,
    office announcement

  15. Tibor Sebescen says:

    Dear Mr. XXXL (Morgan. …) You can think what you offer me?
    This is what you can find here at this pair … there is still much more ..

    Thank you but you’re stupid you looked me in many, many people …
    I am very ashamed of myself if I should live.

    And who is the idiot here?? I or someone else?

    On Wed, 9 Mar 2011 09:34:38 +0100, morganmoris chambers wrote:


    Good morning my dear, Am happy to have received your letter now, Am thinking on how i can come over to your country to discuss this Business with you since its contain good amount of money but there is so many things i need to know about yourself and your country because getting VISA most of the time is not all that easy, Please can you call me on my phone so we can discuss some terms +22997292685 then i can make a proper arrangement on how i will come down over there.

    Looking forward to hear from you on phone.


    Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2011 03:27:12 -0500
    Subject: Re: More explaination

    Thank you but not me interested in this case.
    If you can not come in here and that “such an amount”, it is a scam at all.! /

    Due respect


    On Mon, 7 Mar 2011 10:43:44 +0100, morganmoris chambers wrote:

    Thanks for your reply, To make you less curios, my full name is Barrister Morris Morgan.i hailed from Akpakpa in Cotonou state of BENIN REPUBLIC, born on march 11th 1950 into the family of chief and chief Mrs.Rebbeca Morgan .my father was a school teacher while my mother was a nursing sister. They were good Christians which i am also.

    To be brief, I bagged my first degree in law from the University of Benin, in the year 1975.however, I worked with legal aids council till the wake of 1977 when i went in for my master’s degree. Life to me then was at a stand still and hectic because i had to cater for my wife and newly born baby. I got married to Miss Cynthia in 1976, a graduate of agriculture and forestry. She works presently with the Benin national agricultural research institute here in Cotonou.

    However, upon completion of my project (master degree in law) in the university in 1979,i worked with federal ministry of justices for morethan 10years through my elder brother assistance who was then a colonel in the Benin army. Before I left to practice private legal practitioner .my marriage is however blessed with 3(three) children among them are Felix. He is the only male child, born in 1976, Rosemary a banker, 1978 (married) and chital, 1981.

    I am presently residing at C/Plot 2 Jerico, Cotonou, Benin, it is very important to inform you that this is my first major international transaction since i started practicing private legal practitioner as a profession. I pray that this biography will help reduce your curiosity.

    I am very much after the solid relationship we are trying to build because i believe that friends are made and some are discovered so therefore i do not necessary needs to come down to your country. And i also believe i have gotten a true friend in you. Let me assure you at this point that i will be honest with you and am expecting to see an attitude of honesty and commitment from your side as well. Kindly give me a brief biography of yourself to enable me know you better as you know, we have never met. I am expecting your response with the below informations;

    (1)Your full name
    (3)Telephone/ fax number.

    However, I will want you to call me on phone as soon as you receive this mail for a mutual interraction, Is very important that we talk on phone to make our friendship to be more close, Finally, The transaction of this magnitude requires confidentiality meaning that we both have to keep it secreet, Do not disclose anything concerning this transaction to anyone not even your friends or lawyer till the fund get into your Bank Account because we can not know who the opposition are, especially as you are coming out as a bonafide next of kin to my late client.

    Am waiting for your phone call 00 (229) 97-29-26-85. Call me now and include your telephone number as you reply.

    Your Brother,
    Barrister Morris Morgan.

    Date: Sun, 6 Mar 2011 14:45:27 -0500
    Subject: Re:

    Thank you for thinking of me, sir, Dr. Morris Morgan!

    But I’m not willing in this way, this way to cooperate.
    Maybe only if you are willing to come here and get to know me and here I talk to mylawyer, that he represent me in this matter. I give him authorization in my case.

    I think it is quite a lot of money is itself worth coming here.

    If you agree, I’m online …

  16. NNEKA says:

    please i need your help,am from Nigeria but my mail was mistakenly forwarded to Benin from U.S.A.i have tried all my possible best to get the EMS Benin phone number or their post office number or the custom phone number since the mail is still at customs custody.i tracked it online with the tracking number the sender gave me and i found out that is being processed by Benin custom.

  17. Mike Melton says:

    OMW! Don’t think that for one moment someone in a 3rd world country would send you this type of cash for any reason! I have received these things repeatedly am looking at one right now and responding to it by swearing them out for spamming. NOTHING IS FREE!!!!! as I have said if you think that someone is going to give you money but you have to send them money first…i don’t think the people who actually send them money and are out some few hundreds to thousands of dollars have any right to complain about this because it was YOUR own FAULT! because you fell for it, the next time why not STOP-THINK- and use THE BRAINS THE GODS HAVE GIVEN YOU!

    Anyone who sends money to these people should learn their lesson, god i cant believe how people are taken advantage of, but then i remember most of the human race is greedy, if you need money that badly get help with it, if your struggling to make ends meet like myself, my 11 month old son and fiance- work extra hours, but remember this: ‘NOTHING in this world is free, EVERYTHING is EARNED, hard work and dedication is all it takes.’ -Mike. and with that i hope you guys think twice next time because I’m sure that money your sending is much needed otherwise you wouldn’t be trying to get 2.5 mill from a scammer!

  18. Michael says:

    Hello sir, I live in Nigeria, but I want to come to Benin Republic to transfer money to Europe via Western Union, so please how can i go about it?

  19. Mikhail Kotegov says:

    Dear Sir,
    I already know, that manager of Western Union Mathew Nbonuv is only fraud!!!!! I want to say to all don’t believe to him and if you will receive an email from him with something benefits: don’t believe to him!!!!! His phone 22997292685!!!!! Please worry if you will receive email from him!!!

  20. Mikhail Kotegov says:

    Dear Sir,
    I was sent to Western Union of Benin 340USD and they promised me fund of 1.5 mln. But now they asked me to send them 1,500 else for something tax clearance certificate from Federal Inland Revenue. But I was found this webpage and I don’t know where such poor country will take such money??? The name of Western Union Manager is Matthew Nbonuv, phone 22997292685, name of director of FIR is Dr. Wilson Boma. Must I believe to them or no? And is it the account BOA7899223Q in your Ministry of Finance to me?

  21. Budi Streptiardi F says:

    Dear Sir,
    I am Budi SF and I sent the money through Western Union two times to EMS Benin: firstly I have sent $ 560 US three month ago was lost secondly I sent $ 489 US two month ago and lost again. I wonder somebody promised me to send an ATM Master Card but in fact no realization. Now, I want to know who steal my all money. I sent from Indonesia to EMS of Benin.I sent to Chijioke Mbanefo and secondly to Patricia Ejoh. I am very upset, thank you for your attention. GOD bless you.

    Budi Streptiardi F

  22. Mysti says:

    =/ sigh…
    People People… If you really believe these scams.. let me sell you my beachfront property in Wyoming!!!! It comes complete with winged cattle!
    If you want the ‘$2.2M USD’ they promise is coming your way… work for them! send out these emails, and you will make the same amount, if not more (if you can comfortably theive honest people out of their money & walk away feeling not a bit of shame).

    Check out their email address… the one I received is “”. search this…I found is “Senator Alhajia Kanto Bello” who really does exist, and if he is actually going to send ME money form an inherited account….hahahahaha is all i have to say.

  23. Tina says:

    This is what I received—-FRAUD!!!!!

    Mon, October 25, 2010 9:24:03 PMPayment Approved!!!
    From: Federal Ministry Of Finance Add to Contacts


    Bradford City Centre Branch
    7 Stamford New Road, London

    Attention, Beneficiary:
    This Letter Is From The Federal Ministry Of Finance UNITED KINGDOM. During Our Comprehensive Investigations Regarding Your Inability To Receive Your Over Due Payment We Discovered That You Have Been Dealing With A Set Of Corrupt Government Officials Who Have Been Making Frantic Efforts To Divert Your Funds Into Their Personal Accounts To Enrich Themselves, Now It May Interest You To Know That During Our Meeting With Officials Of Your Country’s Embassy Here In UNITED KINGDOM The Issue Was Extensively Discussed And An Irrevocably Resolution Was Reached Whereby We Have Been Mandated To Pay You The Sum Of $5.5m (Five Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars As Part Of Your Outstanding Contract/Inheritance Payment, In Furtherance To That You Are Warned To Stop Further Dealings With Any Other Person(s) Or Office(s) Because Such Illegal Dealings/ Activities May Sabotage This Latest Efforts In Ensuring A Hitch Free Release Of Your Payment.

    In Lieu Of The Above, An ATM Card Valued The Sum Of $5,500,000.00 Will Be Issued To You By The ATM Department Of Payment Release Center Which You Will Use To Withdraw Your Money From Any Cash Point Or ATM Machine Anywhere In The World And The Maximum Withdrawal Per Day Is $5,000 Only.

    For Further Directives Regarding The Release Of Your ATM Card, Contact Director ATM Department, Dr. Paul Idriss, On Email: Telephone: +447011146668, You Are Advised To Furnish Them With The Following Information:

    *Your Name:
    *Phone Number:

    Note That Because Of Impostors We Hereby Issue You A Communication Code (prc2010x), You Are To Use This Code As Your Subject When Contacting The ATM Department So As To Enable Them Give Your File the Urgent Attention It Requires.

    Best regards
    Barr.Karren Baker
    (Permanent Secretary)

  24. Toma says:

    Well now all is clear, and I already both and on other reference points wrote that to the Ministry of Finance of Republic Benin, asked about the validity of these sums of money. To me confidently answer that really my money waits for me. But I the first should them send 99 dollars, and they then to me my millions. Already nearly hasn’t sent – so convincingly they planted me, but has prayed to the Lord and all it…, and suddenly in the searcher on ????????? has found these responses.

    The Lord has saved mine 100 dollars and it is good. Thanks those who has got this column on the Internet “?????????”. Casually, without hoping for that that I will find, has written about this Ministry of Finance of republic Benin and here has found these responses. But that is interesting, at first I have found this Ministry of Finance of republic Benin in the searcher and it left with all structure and with photos.

    I have chosen legal department and have written to one high-ranking mister. And to me have answered, what yes it is valid money is on me, but it is necessary to send 99 dollars on what that name. Means and in the searcher this Ministry of Finance false. Here so happens! Yes miracles doesn’t happen! People, my dear, only work money you will earn and only on bread. And if it is necessary more than on bread in addition to work in the network companies known and checked up, for example. That I again easy also will do.

  25. Chris says:

    Here is what I got. I think this is outragous that someone preys on someone else’s hopes and dreams!

    Tue, August 10, 2010 7:19:47 AM[ No Subject ]
    From: “” Add to Contacts


    The Board of Federal Ministry of Finance Benin Republic is here to notify you of your foreign payment funds of ($300.000.00usd) after the meeting held on 30th of July 2010.

    Ministry of Finance as instructed this Department to send your funds to you through Money Gram for easier receive of your foreign payment funds without any further delay. I requested you to bring you address, mobile phone

    Reply back to this E-mail: ( )

  26. Ashok Sharma says:

    During past 18 months I have received hundreds of mails from CBN Nigeria, Western Union Office in Benin Republic and from a few Leading Banks of Europe and also from Ban-Ki-Moon, World Bank/ IMF that approved due payment is being ready but needless to say that this has been a devastating, emotionally wrecking tormenting and utterly frustrating experience and i have come to the conclusion that:

    There is decidedly a very large con game being played and it can not go on and on and on Without Active participation of these Prime banks, Govt Departments and without in line and in-league of the Western union !!

    I believed these all even offices of Her Majesty they all ask for Upfront payment. So much loss betrayal but in the end not a dime they transfer. But while they have successfully scammed gathered bank Particulars and perhaps groups of International Thugs perating in prime banks…

    Such wide spread cheatings in broad day light How can they keep milking unsuspecting victims without the active hand in glove of the Banks and the Govt Agencies ????


  27. Rose Fernandez says:

    is this true???? Please verify…

    The Board of Federal Ministry of Finance Benin Republic are hereby to notify you of your payment inherited funds of $1.5M Dollars.After the meeting held on JULY 27, 2010
    As your cheque refund as you fail to compy with Security Company,His ExelLence the PRESIDENT OF FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF BENIN,DR.YAYI BONI had Instructed this Department to send you your funds through western union money transfer for making it easier of receiving your inherinted funds without any further delay to avoid paying money to the fraud stars that is going on through the global.the amount you will be receiving per day is $5000 till your entire sum of $1.5millon USD get to you,

    You are required to reconfirm to them below information to enable them verify and send Fund through western union as soon as you meet up with the directives of the Board. Your are required to send it this office with your name and address.Contact Western union Office with below address:

    Name Dr.PAUL DAVID
    Foreign Operation Manager,
    Western Union Office;Email:( )
    Customer care Line; +229-99909431
    Again reconfirm to them below information to enable them verify and transfer your Fund to you.
    1.Your Full Name…………..
    2.Your Address……………..
    3.Your Tel Number…………
    4.Occupation and Age…….
    6.A Copy of your ID……….
    Sincerly Yours


  28. CODEY says:

    from office of the presidency on financial matters
    minister of finance benin republic
    for your final attention
    office mobile+229 9673 8615

    through the complains and reports this country are receiving from united nations (un) and american government, the government of this country through ministry of finance trust funds has decided to end this issue. in this regard the ministry of finance trusts funds has programmed and ordered your funds ($3.8musd ) to be pay to you thruogh western union agent benin republic. to tune of $7,500.00 daily as mandated.

    you are to receive $7,500usd per day through western union money transfer until your total fund $3.8musd are completed. in aboved mention issued the ministry has issue a directive,there’s in noway your fund should be tampared until your aboved mentioned funds are completed to avoid any complain and further problem.

    finally, make sure that you re-confirm your information

    full name;=================
    full address;==============
    mobile phone:==============
    telephone numbers:=========
    private email:=============
    date of birth:=============
    country and state of origin===

    you are therefore,to contact western union office below information now and reconfirm your full information,name,phone number, address/where and test question and answer, you want your funds to be sending to you through western union with below contact information:

    contact person ;dr honvo jacques
    western union money transfer
    financial bank benin
    e-mail: (w_u_money@national-champscom)
    plesae call office mobile: +229 9673 8615

    remember that the ministry of finance trust funds has ordered that in no condition should your funds ($3.8musd) be tempered till all your total funds are completed,because this governmnet may not wish to entertain any further complains from anyboby or country.

    you are also adviced that each money you recieved from the western union you should let the ministry of finance know for our records purposes until your whole fund is completed. comply now on recipt of this mail and send to them the required information to start sending your funds 7,500.00usd as from today to avoid any complain again and further problem in receiving your funds.


    yours in service
    bello solange
    federal ministry of finance

  29. rajesh says:

    WARNING! I fell for this! I have deposited the delivery charges for my lottery prize first and this is what they told me!

    I have been briefed on the proceeds on the transfer of your funds into your bank account. Let me tell you have to follow the instructions of the diplomat Brain Smith because he is acting according to the authority of the ministry of finance of the government of India.

    All you need do is to immediately go and deposit the 98,000 inr for the transfer charges and your funds will be credit to your bank account.

    This fee cannot be removed from your cheque because it is already deposit in ministry of finance who will now do the transfer to your account.

    So i instruct you to arrange this fee and deposit accordingly because the diplomat has no time to waste in India.

    They also mailed me the copy of ministry of finance international deque deposit notification letter is there any truth?

  30. KS says:

    The Police are cracking down on these people and the more people to petition and keep record of where these mailers are coming from. The abusers can be brought to account. They can’t win the game as long as there are players. If you can’t afford to lose any money don’t play their game.

  31. Vann says:

    I also received an email from the person name Johnson Dede and Jeremy about the internaltional Lottery amount fo $950,000.00 USD. I was told that the money will put in the suitcase with PIN and will deliver to my doorstep in Cambodia. I was ask to pay for the scotland yard, airport custom check, delivery fee thru Thailand and Malaysia. I lost all my money about $50000.00 USD. I want to get the FBI to work on this matter. Why so many scmmers in Africa, what their government doing? what the Police in Country doing, I believe because of corruption that the reason so many scammers in that poor country.

  32. John Doe says:

    Attn legal Beneficiary;


    This is to inform you that your inhertance Fund valued of $2.5M US DOLLAR has been deposted with the western union money transfer office here in benin republic.This payment was arrengement by the Federal Republic of Benin Government, Under the co-operation of the new civilian Head of State, President DR BONI YAYI and the Governor of Central Bank Of Benin.

    Your payment will be sending to you by Western Union, the amount you will receive per day is $5000 The minister trust funds of Benin Republic will send you the currently standards track details you need to pick up your ($5,000.00) payment by Western Union Money Transfer, you will be receiving your payment by $5000.00 usd every day till you receive the $2.5M The director administrator trust funds have already signed your payment,kindly contact the below person who is in position to release your payment through Western Union by $5,000.00 per a day.

    Contact Person—-Mr. James Otiaba ,e-mail ( ) Phone +22998-27-51-58, The Western Union Money transfer center has been mandated to issue out your payment and you have to stop any further communication with any other person(s) or office(s) to avoid any hitches in receiving your payment.

    Note that the administrator payment need this details from you to process your payment:
    Your Receiver—-
    Your Country—–
    Your City——
    Your Tel—–
    Your Passport—–

    Yours in service.
    Mrs. Sherri Coxion,
    Financial Minister Federal Republic of Benin.

  33. TEDDY J. GALUSHA says:

    i have been contacted by mrs rita di-mancas ministery of justice and tony esiri, benin republic ministry of finance and rev. luis zima with western union can these persons be trusted to do as they say they will do . please reply quickly

  34. emma says:

    i have recived many of these emails, then i actually contacted the man i was suposed to send an email to he had nothing to say for himself , but just that i was just send the email with the information.

  35. Sarah says:

    Here’s the latest scam:

    Western Union Transfer Approval
    From: amcd Add to Contacts


    01 BP 955, 308 rue du Révérend
    Père Colineau, Cotonou, Benin
    Office Tel: +229 97 29 28 81

    Dear Customer,

    We are happy to inform you officially that we received approval letter today from Federal Ministry of Finance Office, authorizing our Bank to program a total sum of $2,500,000.00 USD and pay you through our western union transfer system for your easy pickup and warned against any unforeseen delay that could make your fund not to get to you in a timely manner.

    The Federal Ministry of Finance chairman (Engr. Idriss L. Daouda) have submitted your payment file to the Benin Consulate for screening and all data have being confirmed correct to pay you a total sum of $2,500,000.00 USD as a result overdue contract payments so far. We have been advised to send you $4,500 USD every day because Western Union laws here in Benin Republic can only transfer a maximum of $4,500 USD every day to you.

    We have today transferred your first US$4,500.00 available for your pickup at any western union office in your country, but still on hold due to the unpaid activation fee of $120 which you supposed to pay before your transfer will be posted to your country for pickup.

    For your convenience check your first $4,500.00 installment transfer online at clicks TRACKING and fill the bellow information on the space provided at western union website.

    Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN) 8841765812
    Sender First Name: Innocent
    Sender Last Name: Nnatuanya

    You will pickup the $4,500 USD at any western union office in your country after 20mins you send the $120 activation fee of your daily installment account. You are to send the activation fee today on our bellow information through Western Union or store close to you:-

    Receive by: Innocent Nnatuanya
    City & Country: Cotonou, Benin Republic
    Text Question: Faith
    Answer: In God
    Amount: US$120

    As soon as you transfer the activation fee, send us the transfer MTCN on our bellow contact information to enable us receive and proceed with immediate transfer release of your $4,500 USD today.

    Attention To: Mr. Zerge Zabu
    Office Tel: +229 96 03 77 47

    Thanks for using our service while we wait your kind response,

    Mr. Zerge Zabu
    Accountant Suppervisor
    Diamond Bank Western Union Department
    Telephone: +229 96 03 77 47

  36. Daniel says:

    i would like to know it’s mrs. lulu mensah is in the working in western union money transfer in cotonou benin. i been paid of hundreds dollar but still not release yet the below funds but always required payment should be make again and again. could you please below information whether is this fraud or scam.

    awaiting for your reply sooner or later.

    financial bank benin republicr so
    western union department
    address rue du commandant decoeur,
    avenue du gouverneur général ponty, cotonou
    benin republic b.p. : 01 – 2700
    western union/ phone: +229-96343602 /+229-96001027

    attn: daniel pak,

    well after the meeting held with president of benin republic today with international monetary fund (i.m.f )they say that i am lie to them do to your promise and fail and too you are not a person of your word ,you say you will make the payment since if this past you said next again if next past you keeping promise . and i.m.f said that you are going to make the payment today and if you do not pay this $420 for the barrister to sign that was deposited in this office so that you will start receiving your payment of $14,300.usd per day immediately from any western union office in your country or money gram.

    this is because this transaction is taking longer time more than we expected, they will report to authority,home land security and c.i.a and f.b.i they will locate you any where you are do to you are not keeping your promise to this office.

    because of your lie and you do not keep your word and it is very important in human be to keep he her promise in life and too it is matters a lot to keep your promise.

    below is the information required to send the money today through money gram or western union money transfer to make it faster and easier.

    receiver name: …………… ejike

    country: ……….. benin

    address: …………………no 113 togba road,city cotonou benin
    test question: ….. who is the greatest?.
    answer: ……………. god.
    amount:…………. $420

    sender name: …………..
    mtcn number: ……………..

    please don’t forget to send the mtcn i await to hear from you

    as soon as you send the fee you will receive your money immediately without any delay.

    you send fee you will starting to receive your fund immediately.

    i await to hear from you

    your urgent response will be highly appreciated.

    yours faithfully,
    ibru, dr. (mrs.) c. a. o. ofr

    mrs. lulu mensah: western union
    mr.john wisdom: foreign operation manager
    western union office benin republic.

  37. sudarsan says:

    Is there a ATM Card Centre at Benin Republic ? Is there Dr sylock Dickson will be Director of the said ATM CARD Centre ?
    Is there Mr Peter james is working at Cenetral Bank of west Africa ? Can now he is Diplomatic agent from CBWA to Reserve Bank of India ?

    kindly let me know please

  38. Lee Ingram says:

    Dear Honorable Sir,

    I write as a last resort to resolve a long standing issue with Skye Bank Plc located at 3, Akin Adesola Street, Victoria Island Lagos, Nigeria. A person by the name of Mr. Akinsola Akinfemiwa Managing Director/Chief Executive Skye Bank Plc, Nigeria and I have been communicating over a few years about the release of my funds, I will send you the attachment for all my documents upon request. I have paid Mr. Akinsola thousand of US Dollars for the release of my funds and to date I have not received said funds even thou Mr. Akinsola has indicated he has released my funds to my bank located in California USA in which I now know is not true. I would appreciate your intervention into this issue for this is a negative related concern against your proud Government and President of Nigeria. My contact email address is as follows:

    Lee Ingram

  39. Jerry Harding says:

    Dear Sir,

    Is there a Dr. Mrs. Mary Ibe Working for the Central Bank of Benin? Is there a George Nd working for the Ministry of Finance in Cottonou Benin? What if a person sent them money to finalize the deal of $2.5 mil and the reciever gets mugged, robbed and ends up dying in hospital. He went by the name George Uzomba or if money is sent and then the Western Union agent pays someone else the money and the money is being requested again to pay for the loss. Are these reall incidents like can this guy who was mugged and robbed be actually found in the obituary list of the Cottonou city paper? Is the Western Union payer actually giving the money to someone else other than the person it is intended for? Is this company crooked in Benin as well as it’s neighboring country Nigeria? Is George Nd actually giving his whole paycheck to get you a better deal with the bank on lessening the fees that need to be paid in order to send the money?
    If anyone has data on these above mentioned people, please let me know. Thanks

  40. Kadja Saldanha says:

    I would like to confirm whether an order sent today, December, 14th, 2009, on the name of Western Union’s manager Njoku David Ikechukua to be withdrawal by Mr.Emmanuel Tontoh, secretary of the governor for the Continental Bank Benin was paid the amount as of $1250,00USD by sender Maria Cristina de Oliveira Silva from Brazil.
    I really appreciate your help to state the actual status of the above mentioned order as soon as possible.
    Thank you for your kind and attention.


  41. shiham says:

    i have received a message that I won a ton of Dollars from OCEANIC BANK PLC.

    Western Union
    Send Money Worldwide
    Mr John Booma
    Address; St, Peter & Paul
    Road Cotonou Benin Rep.
    Tel; +229-93457955

    Attention: Ibrahim Shiham ,

    We earlier today received a transfer instruction memo from Ing. Koffi Alain Gustave (Chairman) Federal Ministry of Finances who on your behalf ordered us to program and transfer your approved contract payment of (US$1,200,000.00). He has appointed our office and submitted your file for endorsement and activate through our western union electronic system for your easy pickup and to avoid further unforeseen delay that could make your payment not to get to you in a timely manner.

    Your name, city and country information’s has been registered on our system for endorsement & daily activation of your payment and will be program to be transfer under installment at rate of $5000 daily as Western Union laws here does not allow transferring funds above $5000 at once from this country to another, but will be sending under installment of $5000 daily till the amount is completed.

    In other words. We have today transferred your first instalment payment available for your pickup at any western union office nearest to you, but not yet post to your city due to the unpaid endorsement & daily activation file fee amount of $250 you supposed to pay before your daily transfer of first payment will be made available to you.

    You will pickup the bellow installment at any western union office nearest to you with bellow information’s as soon as you send the $250 endorsement & daily activation file fee to our office here. You are to track your first installment payment online at westernunion for your record purpose.

    MTCN : 0075606949

    The endorsement & daily activation file fee of $250 will be sending to our office here in care to Christian Oforka through western union agent nearest to you:

    Receive by: Oforka Christian
    City & Country: Cotonou, Benin
    Amount: $250
    Text Question: Sport?
    Answer: Golf

    As soon as you send the fee, send us the transfer Mtcn to help us proceed with immediate transfer release of your first installment payment.

    Notice: This payment was approved by the Federal Ministry of Finances Benin Republic to the above beneficiary name only.

    We anticipate your kind co-operation.


    i want to know if this is fraud or not, please help!

  42. Agneta Johansson says:

    Do they ever stop? I have had about 15 of these just in September. Do you really think you have inherited millions from a country where you have no relatives? Do you really think you can win millions from your e-mail? Do you really think that officials from governments and worldwide banks have Hotmail accounts?
    I dont think so, but obviously people keep buying these scams, otherwize the scoundrels wouldnt keep on sending us these mails!
    Here is one I recieved today:

    To The Attention Of Beneficiary;
    The Board of federal ministry of finance benin republic are hereby to notify you of your payment inheritance funds of US $2.500,000.00 after the meeting held on 25th of Sep 2009. His Excellence the PRESIDENT OF FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF BENIN (DR YAYI BONI) has Instructed this Department to send your funds through DIAMOND BANK PLC western union money transfer for easy receive of your inheritance funds without any further delay to avoid paying money to the fraud stars that is going on through Courier Company.
    You are required to send your name and address Where you want your fund to be send through This DIAMOND BANK PLC Western Union money Transfer. The maximium amount you will be receiving per a day starting from tomorrow is $5000.00) Also you are required by this Department to send us the sum of $105.00 dollar for Re-newing and Re-cofirming Of your file that was deposited in this BANK with your name and address below.
    Beneficiarey name————–
    Tel phone—————————-
    For further procedure Contact our payment officer Mr. Fedlix maxwll urgently with your information as requested above where to start sending the money Because As soon the required fee of ($105.00) received today for the Renewing & Reconfirming the payment file of your funds you will start receiving your funds as from tomorrow. Payment officer contact; Attention; Mr Fedlix maxwll, Tel; +229-98585994 E-mail; Send the ($105.00) dollar through western union with the name and address below: Receiver Name/ Mr NWATA GODWIN .

    Country/ Benin Republic
    City/ Cotonou
    Text Question/ How Much?
    Answer/ US$105.00
    Sender’s Name…………
    MTCN No#………………..
    Yours in service Mr Fedlix maxwll. Western Union Benin Republic Manager

  43. McArthur Maxey says:

    I received a scam from a guy by the name of Chris Kato and he actually went to the point of him being a man of God and that this was for real. I was suppose to receive 1.8 million which would be paid by western union of 5,000 a day until I received 1.8 million. Yeah right! So watch out for this scam.

  44. Peter says:

    Do people really still fall for this? I just love to keep writing them back…sometimes after using a google translator in some strange language.

    AGAIN and AGAIN. I figure I will aggrevate them as much as they do my spam folder…..LOL..


  45. Jennifer S says:

    I found your web page because I googled the phone number in the email I received. I thought I’d post the contents of the email here for everyone.

    Subject: Mail From The FBI
    From: Federal Bureau Of Investigation
    Email address:
    Sent: Jul 15, 2009 10:51 PM

    Anti-Terrorist and International Fraud Division
    Federal Bureau Of Investigation.
    Seattle, Washington.
    Telephone/Fax Number: (206) 426-2866

    Attn: Beneficiary

    This is to Officially inform you that it has come to our notice and we have thoroughly completed an Investigation with the help of our Intelligence Monitoring Network System that you legally won the sum of $850,000.00 US Dollars from a Lottery Company in the United Kingdom. During our investigation we discovered that your e-mail won the money from an Online Balloting System and we have authorized this winning to be authentic and paid to you via a Certified Cashier’s Check. Normally, it will take up to 10 business days for an International Check to be cashed by your local bank. We have successfully come to an agreement this company on your behalf that funds are to be drawn from a registered bank within the United States Of America so as to enable you cash the check instantly without any delay, henceforth the stated amount of $850,000.00 US Dollars has been deposited with Bank Of America.

    We have completed this investigation and you are hereby approved to receive the winning prize as we have verified the entire transaction to be Legitimate, Safe and 100% risk free of scams and frauds of any nature, due to the fact that the funds have been deposited at Bank Of America you will be required to settle the following bills directly to the lottery claims agent in-charge of this transaction whom is located at the liaison office of the Lottery Company in Seattle-Washington. According to our discoveries, you are required to pay for the following:

    (1) Deposit Fee’s (Fee’s paid by the lottery company for the deposit into an American Bank which is – Bank of America)
    (2) Cashier’s Check Conversion Fee (Fee for converting the Wire Transfer payment into a Certified Cashier’s Check)
    (3) Shipping Fee’s (This is the charge for shipping the Cashier’s Check to your nominated destination)

    The total amount for everything is $239.99 (Two Hundred & Thirty Nine United States Dollars & Ninety Nine Cents). We have tried our possible best to indicate that this $239.99 should be deducted from your winning prize but the funds have already been deposited at The Bank of America and cannot be accessed by anyone apart from you the winner. Therefore you will be required to pay the needed funds to your lotto claims Agent in-charge of this transaction via Western Union Money Transfer Or Money Gram. The payment will NOT reflect at the Bank of America with the given transaction code(EA2948-910) until you have covered the processing fees needed.
    In order to proceed with this transaction, Click Here to contact your claims agent Mrs. Louise Major .You will be required to call her for verbal verification and e-mail her with the following informations:


    You will also be required to request Western Union details on how to send the required $239.99 in order to immediately ship your prize of $850,000.00 US Dollars via Certified Cashier’s Check drawn from The Bank of America, Also include the following transaction code in order for her to immediately identify this transaction : EA2948-910. This letter will serve as proof that the Federal Bureau Of Investigation is authorizing you to pay the required $239.99 ONLY to your claims agent via the information in which she shall send to you upon your request, if you do not receive your winning prize of $850,000.00 US Dollars we shall be held responsible for the loss and this shall invite a penalty of $3,000 which will be made PAYABLE ONLY by you (The Winner).

    Robert Mueller
    Federal Bureau Of Investigation

    NOTE: In order to ensure your check gets delivered to you ASAP, you are advised to immediately contact Mrs. Louise Major via contact information provided above and make the required payment of $239.99 to information in which she will provide you.
    The information contained in this email message is legally privileged and confidential information intended solely for the use of the intended recipient(s). If you are not the intended recipient(s), any distribution, dissemination, or reproduction of this email message is strictly prohibited.

  46. Jerry Harding says:

    Does this really exist that they claim to work with the Central Bank of Benin? Do they really have $2.5 million holding in trust to actually send once you send all the money? Not likely!

  47. Maureen says:

    I have copied and paste below an email that was sent to me. What is your view on this. Does this company exist.


    You’re invited to: I have paid the delivery fee for the consignment box.
    By your host: Joseph Obumu

    Date: Wednesday January 21, 2009
    Time: 10:15 pm – 11:15 pm (GMT +00:00)
    Location: I have paid the delivery fee for the consignment box. All the necessary arrangement of delivering your $2.5MILLION, USD In cash was made with FEDEX COURIER COMPANY. contact DR.ALLEN UBA DIRECTOR GENERAL OF FEDEX COMPANY BENIN REPUBLIC;EMAIL;[ Send them your contacts informations to enable them locate you immediately they arrived in your country with your CONSIGNMENT BOX.YOUR NAME. HOME ADDRESS. PHONE. COUNTRY. SEX AND YOUR ID. Note.The FEDEX COURIER COMPANY don’t know the contents of the Box. They don’t know that the box contains money, I register it as a Box of FAMILY VALUABLE tag no:0057624. So dont reveal to them what was in the box or the will delay the box from getting to you. GOD BLESS YOU, DR. Joseph Obumu

    Will you attend? RSVP to this invitation

  48. Charles Randall says:

    I have posted the most recent e-mail I have received, is this a modified version of the scam?

  49. Charles Randall says:

    Dear Friend,

    This is to acknowledge receipt of your filled out verification form and congratulate you accordingly on approval been granted on your funds. Attached to this e-mail is a copy of your FUNDS APPROVAL RELEASE LETTER. I have tried calling you on numerous occasions but however to no avail, i returned from the courier company a moment ago and i deposited the parcel with them for safe delivery, I have also paid for the courier service fees that is a 24-hour delivery schedule which was for US$310, as ordered by Dr. Aminu S. Ibrahim. Attached is a copy of the courier payment receipt.

    However i was notified that a parcel containing a draft of above GBP£100,000.00 cannot be mailed without proper insurance due to a law/policy made by the Nigerian Customs & Inland Revenue Services . “Any Antique/Goods/Cash or Draft worth above GBP£100,000.00 must be insured properly” with proof (As quoted in Sec.41- Parg.3, line 3 of the Nigerian Constitution).

    I advise you contact the courier company right away for further instructions on how to insure your parcel with them, Refer your parcel reference number (08FMF/NIG/17ITR) and courier receipt number (070-043-23AB), which you will find on the scanned copy of the courier receipt i have attached for your perusal. Stated below are the details needed to contact the courier company.

    Oriental Express Courier Services
    Telephone #: +234 708 768 2926

    Make sure you contact the courier right away and follow thier every instruction to have your parcel insured. Once it has been insured you will be given a tracking number, receipts and dispatch airway bill will also be scanned for your perusal and record purposes.

    Notify me on your progress with the insurance, and when you receive the parcel. Also if you have any problems viewing any of the attachments please do not hesitate to notify me, so it can be corrected immediately for accuracy in this transaction.


    Mrs. Faridah Dahlan
    Fund Release Control Department
    Federal Ministry of Finance

    Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2009 17:01:12 -0800
    Subject: RE: My Funds

    Full Name: Charles Wallace Randall Jr.
    Contact Address: 3229 75th ave. Landover Md. apt.101 20785
    —Contact # : 240-667-2497

    Gender: Male
    occupation: Painter
    Certified I.D :(last 4 digits of S.S.#) 9167
    Dear Sir/Madam,

    In response to your e-mail. As i was ordered by my boss Dr. Ibrahim S. Aminu before he travelled to Spain for official purposes, Carefully take note of the full procedure to recieve your compensation draft of the full amount of £1,000,000.00 GBP (One Million Great British Pounds)
    ***You are receiving these funds (For your private use and investment) as compensation from the Federal Ministry of Finance- Nigeria to your country in settlement of bad debts owed and appreciation of international relations for the past 50 years with your country***

    You need to reconfirm your full mailing address and name in the Clearance/Identification Verification form below, for proper verification and authentication to avoid mismatch of personal information as the amount involved is a large sum;

    Full Name **: …………………………………………………………………….
    Contact Address(Including City, State & Zipcode)**: ……………………
    Contact Telephone # (Cell & Home Phones) **: ………………………….
    Gender : …………………………………………………………………………..
    Occupation **: ……………………………………………………………………
    Certified Identification(E.g, Drivers License Number or Last 4 Digits of SSN) **:
    Parcel Reference # **: ………………………………………………………….
    Note: Fields with ** are mandatory.

    Before i can proceed sending you your draft, statutory requirements have to be meet. A Certified Identification of your self(which you can tender now, or tender to the delivery person before recieveing your parcel) and clearance/verification form above. The Identification can be scanned and emailed to me at this email address or fax directly to my office fax 206-426-2866 (for international users only)

    There are various service plans to have your draft delivered to your doorstep.However on receipt of your Identification, i will give you contact details of a finance oriented courier company which we often use here in our office. They are capable of handling such draft with high face value at “low cost($) in due time”.

    All dealings and arrangements for the draft to be mailed to you will be made “directly with the finance oriented courier company”, Also Been that the draft has a high amount face value, supporting documents (Fund Release Approval Documents)to authenticate the draft will be included in the parcel to avoid delay in cashing the draft. A copy of the fund release approval letter in your favour will be emailed to you for your perusal “but only after verification”.

    Once you conclude with the courier company, Receipts/Dispatch Airway Bills and tracking # will be given to you to track your parcel through the way until you receive the parcel.
    Please act promptly so we can have this concluded ASAP, I will await your response ASAP with your Identification.

    Give me a call on my Direct Line +234 802 975 2586 immediately you get this message for further information.

    Best Regards,

    Mrs. Faridah Dahlan
    Fund Release Control Department
    Federal Ministry of Finance


    Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2009 09:03:47 -0800
    Subject: My Funds

    I have sent an e-mail confirming my mailing address, I have yet to recieve these funds or any further notification regarding the status

  50. tony palmer says:

    Does this company exist and is this information correct MFCMOBEL FINANCE COMPANY.BENIN REPUBLICTELL-PHONES: +229 97 27 73 86.TEL-FAX NUMBER: +229 21 37 40 70.EMAIL ADDRESS: ( finanve company by the name of Mobel Finance

  51. Antonio Breton Garcia says:

    Dear Sir.:
    I have repeatedly sent money to a Western Union office in this country, the address is: OFFICE OF THE WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER. COTONOU BENIN REPUBLIC / ADDRESS 455 AGBOKOU, ANKPA ROAD Opposite Tunde MOTORS COTONOU, MR. TERRY COOL, GENERAL MANAGER. I want to know if there is truth in that office in Benin is a fraud or more of the many that I have suffered by people of that country. As I said I sent money several times and they promise to send me my money 800,000 dollars and I never received anything. My name is Antonio Breton Garcia of Mexico and my email is
    I hope for your reply. Thank you and greetings
    Antonio Breton Garcia

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